



志向世界是由六座大島嶼所組成的,分別是教育島、環境島、科技島、健康島、文化島與社區島。 每年都會有熱血的青年海外志工,帶著大包小包的行李踏上六座島嶼,提供多元且專業的服務,這些服務點亮了人們的視野與希望,也讓每座島發展出自己獨特的模樣。

The World of Aspirations comprises six large islands: Education Island, Technology Island, Culture Island, Health Island, Environment Island, and Community Island. Every year, passionate youth overseas volunteers grab their bags and embark on a journey to the six islands to provide diversified and professional services. Their actions widen people's perspectives and give them hope, as well as make each island develop its own unique character.




其實在抵達服務當地之前,還有許多事項需要一一準備齊全,從服務地點的調查、服務項目的訂定、服務能力培訓到最實際的經費募集和服務後的反思,每個階段都需要縝密的規劃。 拎上行李箱,帶著你的志能量,一起動身吧!

However, before arriving at the country where you are going to serve, there are many things you need to prepare in advance. From research on the location, project formulation, skills training, to the most practical issues of fundraising and post-service assessment, each stage requires meticulous planning. So grab your suitcase, rev up your power of volunteering, and let's go!




不同國家的風俗民情,豐富了海外志工們的生命體驗。他們運用文字及影像,將服務過程中與當地之間的連結紀錄下來,作品跨越了國界與時差,也傳遞了來自海外的溫度。 在這裡細細品味作品中的異國情誼,或者不妨試著跟身邊的人交流,分享彼此的經驗吧。

The customs and traditions of different countries enrich the life experience of overseas volunteers. They have used words and images to document the connection between their services and the local areas where they work. Their volunteering transcends borders and time differences, and conveys warmth from overseas. You can savor the warmth and friendship with other nations embodied in their work. Or why not chat with the people around you and share your experiences with each other?




這邊是志向世界的核心,核心的能量泉源就是「青年海外和平工作團計畫」。從2016年開始運轉,超過4825人次的青年運用所學專業,在海外地區從事志願服務;超過50個國家,因為我國青年海外志工的服務,獲得更好的生活品質。 恭喜你環遊了志向世界,歡迎你再次登入!

This is the core philosophy of the volunteer world, and is what drives the Youth Overseas Peace Corps program. Since the program's launch in 2016, more than 4,825 young people have volunteered overseas using their skills and expertise. A better quality of life has been achieved in more than 50 countries because of the services of Taiwan's youth overseas volunteers. Hey! Congratulations on your trip around the World of Aspirations. We are looking forward to your next visit!